Learn about Cornell University's requirements for human participant research ethics (IRB) training, ...
Informed consent is more than just a form; it is a process that takes place between researcher and p...
Whether you are working with an existing data set collected by another researcher, storing data you ...
This page contains information for researchers and research participants on how and when to report s...
The Principal Investigator (PI) is expected to complete work under sponsored agreements within the p...
Sometimes it is necessary to consider an expense on a project that initially was not requested from ...
Occasionally the only option for an award will be in a foreign currency. The Office of Sponsored Pro...
Also known as Restricted Access Data Sets (RADS), DUAs are contracts that establish terms and condit...
An MTA is used to govern the transfer of tangible materials from/to an organization, where the recip...
An NDA is used to demonstrate an agreement to restrict disclosure of specific information exchanged ...