September Roundtable - Disclosing Foreign Relationships and Activities

September 17, 2020  -  September 17, 2020
9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

September Roundtable - Disclosing Foreign Relationships and Activities

Since late 2018, the federal government has expressed growing concerns about the effect of foreign influence on the integrity of research conducted in or for U.S. institutions. As a result of increased scrutiny, federal funding agencies have issued new requirements and guidance, federal law enforcement agencies have increased activity, and there is renewed attention on export control compliance within the academic research community.

Join us for an interactive discussion of the impacts of this evolving landscape on research
activities at Cornell. Attendees will learn about Cornell’s commitment to:
• Global engagement
• New proposal and award requirements from several federal sponsors
• Best practices for proper disclosure to federal sponsors and to Cornell
In addition, we will review how researchers and research administrators can maintain
compliance with federal export control laws through the discussion of how to:
• Handle proprietary information
• Ensure the proper screening of visitors
• Responsibly engage in international travel
Mary-Margaret Klempa , Director, Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Development (OSP)
Jamie Sprague, Sr. Grant & Contract Officer/Federal, Subaward, PRO Team Lead, OSP
Sarah Schlagter, Sr. Grant & Contract Officer/Export Controls Officer, OSP

Zoom Info:
Meeting ID: 304 282 6417
Passcode: 2020

September 2020 OSP Roundtable flyer
Missing media item.


For information related to OSP Roundtables, please contact OSP_RD_EVENTS@CORNELL.EDU.