Exchange Commercially Unavailable/Restricted Data

with a Data Use Agreement (DUA)

Also known as Restricted Access Data Sets (RADS), DUAs are contracts that establish terms and conditions for the transfer and use of data that is subject to restrictions on its use.

A DUA is used for the transfer of data that has been developed by nonprofit, government or private industry, where the data is nonpublic or is otherwise subject to some restrictions on its use, typically by a legal authority. Often, this data is a necessary component of a research project. DUA terms protect confidentiality when necessary, but they must also permit appropriate publication and sharing of research results in accordance with Cornell policies, applicable laws and regulations, and federal requirements. Also known as Restricted Access Data Sets (RADS)

When investigators want to obtain data for their research from outside the University, they should contact the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) at OSP is responsible for entering into agreements for the use of data.