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February 18, 2021
9:30 am - 10:30 am

February 2021 OSP Roundtable - RASS Current and Pending Management


Join us at our next OSP Roundtable to learn about using RASS to:

  • Create and manage current & pending information including:
  • Non-OSP projects needed for current & pending reporting
    • Effort
    • Project goals
    • Direct costs
  • Quickly remove OSP projects that have not been funded from reports.
  • Print current & pending reports with data specific to sponsor guidelines.
  • Export current & pending data to Excel using the Cornell Standard format.

In addition, we will spend time reviewing other new RASS features and answering your questions about RASS. Bring your questions or submit them in advance to Carrie Susskind at


Carrie Susskind, Product Manager, Research Administration Support System (RASS)

Christine Ashdown, Sr. Functional Support

Roundtable flyer