Looking to diversify your funding sources? While traditional funding opportunities are becoming more and more competitive and difficult to secure, industry partnerships are heating up. This Roundtable will help researchers gain a better understanding of when and how to engage with industry partners to help grow collaborative research.
Discussion topics include:
- Learn about the Office of Corporate Engagement.
- Getting Started – resources to help make the right connections.
- Bridging Worlds – understanding some of the differences between your lab and theirs.
- Setting Goals – focusing on mutually beneficial expectations.
- Leveraging Cornell Resources - IGNITE funding, Gateway to Partnership Program, etc.
- Current and Trending Opportunities (RFPs, Innovation Hubs, SBIR/STTRs).
- How OSP can help – Non-financial Agreements, Proposal submission, award negotiations, and more.
- Cornell Corporate Engagement
- Sr. Grant & Contract Officer - Industry Team, Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Development
Zoom Meeting: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/3042826417?pwd=MjdGUm5GTnBFeit0 eXdnWjZ3RXZ1QT09
Meeting ID: 304 282 6417 Passcode: Research