If the answer to any of the questions below is "yes", expand the selection to determine if additional export control-related actions are needed
Export controls may apply. Contact the Export Control Officer.
All international shipments must be approved by the Export Control Office in accordance with Policy 4.22
To better expedite your review, the following information (if known) should be provided to the Export Control Office:
- A brief description of the item(s) being shipped
- Name of the manufacturer
- End user (name, affiliation, address)
- Any intermediate consignees (name, affiliation, address)
- End use (purpose of shipment)
- Approximate value
- Is the information, software, or technology related to anything on the Commerce Control List?
- Is the information, software, or technology related to anything on the U.S. Munitions List?
If you answered "yes" to any of the above, export controls may apply. Contact the Export Control Officer
- Are you planning to travel to a country that is sanctioned by the Office of Foreign Assets Control?
- Are you bringing with you, any item, information, software, or technology related to anything on the Commerce Control List or the U.S. Munitions List (regardless of destination)?
If you answered "yes" to any of the above, export controls may apply. Contact the Export Control Officer
- Is the individual or entity located in (or is the payment otherwise going to) a country that is sanctioned by the Office of Foreign Assets Control?
- Has the payee been screened in Visual Compliance AND an alert received?
If you answered "yes" to any of the above, export controls may apply. Contact the Export Control Officer