RCR Requirements for Research Awards

Some federal agencies, specifically NIH, NSF, and USDA-NIFA, carry special requirements for training on responsible conduct of research (RCR) for certain personnel receiving salaries or stipend support.

For all proposals submitted to NSF on or after July 31, 2023: All undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty, and other senior personnel supported by the proposed research project, must have received RCR training, including training in mentorship. 

Please note that failure to complete the required RCR training may result in administrative sanctions including withholding of funds, inability to accept new awards, and inability to submit new proposals. 

RCR Requirements for Specific Awards

See below for information about RCR training requirements for federal sponsors. For detailed information about the requirements of your award, contact you Grant and Contract Officer.

Research AwardRequired RCR TrainingDeadlineFulfill the Requirement Here
NIH Grant (Other than Training Grants)Online Training in RCRWithin 60 days of being named on that grant

Cornell’s Online Training on RCR

NIH Training Grant*Online Training in RCR and Discussion-Based TrainingWithin 60 days of being named on that grant

Cornell’s Online Training on RCR, BIOMG7510 and RCR Symposium

NSFOnline Training in RCRWithin 60 days of being named on that grant

Cornell’s Online Training on RCR

USDA-NIFAOnline Training in RCRWithin 60 days of being named on that grant

Cornell’s Online Training on RCR


*Additional NIH requirements: NIH requires that all trainees, fellow, participants, and scholars receiving support through any NIH training, career development award (individual or institutional), research education grant, and dissertation research grant must receive instruction in responsible conduct of research. However, NIH does not consider online instruction alone to be adequate as the sole means of receiving training in RCR. See here for more information about the RCR training requirements for those supported by NIH Training Grants.