The RSCC is created for the purpose of identifying and monitoring issues related to foreign influence, export/import controls, conflict of interest/commitment, research data security, and federal disclosures particularly as they relate to compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and federal funding requirements.
The RSCC is further tasked with ensuring that the Cornell University research community is made aware of and educated regarding such compliance related issues and for proposing policy and processes to enhance university compliance. The RSCC shall report recommendations and concerns regularly to Cornell’s Institutional Risk Council (IRC) and elevate recommendations to senior leadership, as appropriate.
To inform and advise on enterprise level compliance related to applicable laws, regulations, rules and/or guidance surrounding foreign influence, COI/COC, export/import controls, research data security, and federal funding obligations.
Membership may include, but is not limited, to representatives from the following units at Cornell University (including Weill Cornell Medicine):
- Office of the Vice-President for Research and Innovation / Weill Cornell Medical College (WCMC) Senior Associate Dean for Research
- Office of Sponsored Programs/Office of Sponsored Research Administration
- Office of Research Integrity and Assurance (including, at a minimum, Export Control and Conflict of Interest representatives)
- Research Administration Information Services
- Center for Technology Licensing
- At least one member of the IRC
- Cornell Information Technologies / Communications/Information Technology Security Office
- Office of the Vice-Provost for International Affairs
- University Compliance Office
- Office of General Counsel
- Environmental Health and Safety
- Faculty representatives (including at a minimum the Chairs of the Financial Conflict of Interest Committee and the Weill Cornell Medicine Conflicts Advisory Panel)
The RSCC has no express or implied power or authority beyond this charge by senior leadership. The RSCC will serve until disbanded.
- Monitor laws and regulations related to Cornell’s research activities, domestic and international, particularly those surrounding federal funding disclosures, export/import control, conflict of interest/commitment, and other foreign influence-related obligations.
- Report significant impacts to senior leadership.
- Report regularly to the Cornell Institutional Risk Council (IRC).
- Discuss and formulate compliance recommendations.
- Propose recommendations to senior leadership.
- Collaborate on communication and education/training strategies, including but not limited to website development, email communications, and targeted and general training and educational opportunities to applicable stakeholders.
Meetings and Structure
The RSCC will meet at least quarterly and more often as needed. A majority of then-active members shall constitute a quorum.
A Committee Chair shall be elected by a quorum and will serve for a term of one year. The Chair shall be responsible for calling meetings and for facilitating reports to the Vice President for Research & Innovation, the WCMC Senior Associate Dean for Research, the Vice-Provost for International Affairs and Cornell’s IRC. If the Chair is not a member of the IRC, reporting to the IRC will be delegated to an IRC member.
A Committee Secretary shall be elected by a quorum and will serve for a term of one year. The Secretary shall be responsible for taking meeting minutes, distributing them within one week of each meeting, and posting them to a shared folder.
The RSCC may charge sub-working groups with specific issues or deliverables, as needed, and with the consent of a Committee quorum.
This charter was approved by the RSCC on August 31, 2021