Cornell is required to monitor the programmatic and financial activities of its subrecipients as part of the terms and conditions of its prime awards and as required by the federal government. Cornell is responsible for ensuring that the subrecipient’s work is conducted and completed in a timely manner.
Establishing an Account
A separate KFS subaccount is established by SFS once a fully executed subaward is received from OSP. Units do not need to issue a request for this subaccount. The appropriate allocation is then transferred from the prime award account to the subaward subaccount by SFS.
Technical Reports
Cornell is responsible for ensuring that the subrecipient’s work is conducted and completed in a timely manner.
Progress reports and other technical deliverables must be reviewed by the Cornell PI and discussed with the subrecipient as needed. These reports are usually incorporated as part of the deliverables along with the technical reports submitted to the sponsor by the Cornell PI.
OSP is responsible for obtaining the other reports required by the subaward terms and conditions. For example, invention, fiscal, property and audit reports may be required.