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Attestation for Policy 4.21 Research Data Retention and Policy 4.22 Export and Import Control Compliance

To fulfill the attestation requirements, complete CULearn courses, RSRCH-OVPRI-Policy 4.21 Research Data Retention, and RSRCH-OVPRI Policy 4.22, Export and Import Control Compliance. These courses will take about 5 minutes each.

Instructions for launching the course:  There are several different ways to launch the courses and complete your attestations for each course:

1. Click the links:

2. Copy and paste the course links above into your browser

The University is committed to supporting, fostering, and providing the required infrastructure to develop and sustain high-quality research. As described in Policies 4.21 and 4.22, there are several Cornell resources available to help you, they are listed here for as a reminder. It is not necessary to review any of these resources in order to take the courses and make the attestations.

  • Research Data Management Service Group provides expertise in all facets of data retention, from developing data management plans, to providing guidance on storage, sharing, archival and disposition of data.
  • Export Controls Office supports the University community in understanding and complying with export control laws and regulations.
  • Responsible Conduct of Research Office provides guidance on educational training to promote and support the ethical and responsible conduct of research across all disciplines.
  • Office of Research Integrity and Assurance provides administrative support to multiple compliance functions (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Institutional Biosafety Committee, Institutional Review Board for Human Participants, Conflicts of Interest, Responsible Conduct of Research, and Export Controls).
  • The Office of Sponsored Programs provides expertise in assuring collaborative agreements comply with requirements directed by sponsored funds and the needs of the investigators.
  • The Office of General Counsel provides guidance and advice on developing agreements between researchers and external organizations to assure researchers’ interests are addressed and comply with Cornell policy.
  • Center for Technology Licensing provides expertise and vast experience regarding technology transfer agreements and works closely with the Export Controls Office for export control matters.
  • Environment, Health and Safety provides technical assistance on import permits and assists the Export Controls Office in identifying licensable international shipments and obtaining required paperwork.
  • Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs is responsible for maintaining and administering the Cornell International Travel Registry, non-sponsored international collaborative agreements, requests for travel to Cuba, and other international support services.

Thank you for your commitment and awareness to these important issues. If you have any questions or need guidance, please email: