Recommended documentation and training for unit research administrators. Includes courses, contacts, and how to information for the Research Administration Support System (RASS).
- Research Services website
- Research Administration Support System (RASS): Sponsored Projects: How to…
- Create a proposal
- Create a proposal budget
- Create a proposal budget with cost share
- Create a review requirement
- Add a subaward
- Create a pre-proposal letter of intent
- Create non-financial agreement
- Add connected records to proposal or project
Postaward Financial (listed in recommended order)
* FIN 101 Policy Considerations in Accounting (on demand)
* FIN 108 Unallowable Expenses (virtual)
* FIN 114 Financial Management of Sponsored Projects (virtual)
* FIN 115 Financial Reporting Dashboards (virtual)
* FIN 116 Post Award Administration Requirements (on demand, self-paced modules)
* FIN 203 Internal Controls at Cornell University
Other financial courses for Kuali Financial System, Procurement, Capital Assets
Note: Most financial courses can be accessed or registered through Workday Learning (enter FIN into search box).
Research Administration Support System (RASS): Sponsored Projects: How to…
- Submit change requests for awards, subawards or NFAs
- Enter deliverable date submitted
- Initiate a subaward
- Sign up for CU-DEPTRESEARCHADMIN-L e-mail list
- Regularly attend Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) Roundtables and Sponsored Financial Services (SFS) Dialogs
- Within 90 days of assuming the role sign-up for the Research Administration Certification Program. Note that there is limited capacity in this program, so it may take 6-12 months to be admitted.
- Research Administration Support System (RASS): Sponsored Projects: How to…
- Submit change requests for awards, subawards, or NFAs
- Enter project deliverable submitted dates
- Initiate a subaward
Other Resources
Training listings on Research Services website
National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA) videos available on demand (no charge)
Federal Grants Management Course (FGM 101)
- Archived SFS training
- Archived OSP Roundtables
- Proposal Preparation Best Practices (August 2022)
- Subawards on Sponsored Projects (September 2023)
- Cost-sharing on Sponsored Awards (October 2023)
- Become a Prior Approval Expert! (March 2022)
- Research Services website
- Sponsored Financial Services website
Other Division of Financial Services courses, which can be found in Workday Learning (enter FIN into search box).
National Council of University Research Administrators online, regional, and national training programs (fee required)
Society of Research Administrators International online, regional, and national training programs (fee required)