Recurring opportunities for equipment/instrumentation grants from various federal agencies, in alphabetical order according to the agency.

A short summary of the program is included, but the sponsor's program page will have detailed instructions and eligibility requirements.  This table is not an exhaustive list of all available equipment grants and opportunities.

Note: For opportunities marked as *Limited Submission* please contact OVRPI Limited Submissions for information about Cornell's internal selection process.

SponsorDeadlineSubject Area Amount
Dept of Defense (DOD)MayResearch related to DoD Mission $50,000-$3 million, unless excepted
The Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) is a tri-service DOD program, part of the University Research Initiative. DURIP is designed to improve the capabilities of accredited United States institutions of higher education to conduct research and to educate scientists and engineers in areas important to national defense, by providing funds for the acquisition of research equipment or instrumentation.
Dept of Energy (DOE)Open  N/A
The LEDP was established by the DOE to grant surplus and available used laboratory equipment to full-time faculty at universities and colleges in the United States for use in energy oriented STEMeducational programs. This program is managed by the Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS).
National Institutes of Health (NIH)NovemberModern equipment for biomedical research facilitiesS15 Modern Equipment Program$50,000-$350,000
*Limited Submission*  ORIP introduced the Modern Equipment Program to support the acquisition and installation of modern research-supporting equipment to enhance the operations and protocols in biomedical research facilities. Core facilities, animal research facilities, and other similar shared-use facilities are spaces targeted by this program. This program does not support the acquisition of scientific instruments that directly produce scientific data and/or research-essential materials. 
National Institutes of Health (NIH)JuneMajor equipment related to NIH missionS10 Instrumentation Programs$25,000-$2 million
*Limited Submission (BIG program only)* ORIP's S10 Instrumentation Grant Programs support purchases of state-of-the-art commercially available instruments to enhance research of NIH-funded investigators. Instruments that are awarded are typically too expensive to be obtained by an individual investigator with a research project grant. Every instrument awarded by an S10 grant is to be used on a shared basis. The BIG Program is limited submission, but the SIG and HEI programs are not limited submission.
National Science Foundation (NSF)NovemberMajor Research Equipment related to NSF missionMajor Research Instrumentation Program (MRI)$100,000-$4 million, varies by Track
*Limited Submission* MRI awards supports the acquisition of a multi-user research instrument that is commercially available through direct purchase from a vendor, or for the personnel costs and equipment that are required for the development of an instrument with new capabilities, thereby advancing instrumentation capabilities and enhancing expertise for instrument design and fabrication at academic institutions. MRI instruments are, in general, too costly and/or not appropriate for support through other NSF programs. 
National Science Foundation (NSF)NovemberAstronomical Detection Equipment See guidelines
The ATI program provides individual investigator and collaborative research grants for the development of new technologies and instrumentation for use in ground-based astronomy and astrophysics. 
National Science Foundation (NSF)Program temporarily suspendedChemistry See guidelines
The NSF CRIF Program provides funds to research institutions and consortia thereof for the purchase of multi-user instruments and for the establishment and support of multi-user research facilities in the chemical sciences. 
National Science Foundation (NSF)SeptemberComputer and Information Science and Engineering $50,000-$5 million
The NSF CIRC program drives discovery and learning in the core disciplines of the three participating CISE divisions [Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF), Computer and Network Systems (CNS), and Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS)] of the Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) by funding the creation and enhancement of world-class research infrastructure. 
National Science Foundation (NSF)OpenEarth Sciences See guidelines
NSF EAR/IF will support meritorious requests for instrument-based and human research infrastructure that will advance understanding of the Earth system, contribute toward training a diverse geoscience workforce, and encourage efforts to support belonging, accessibility, justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (BAJEDI). 
National Science Foundation (NSF)OpenBiological Sciences See guidelines
The NSF Capacity Program supports the implementation of, scaling of, or major improvements to research tools, products, and services that advance contemporary biology in any research area supported by the Directorate for Biological Sciences. The program focuses on building capacity in research infrastructure that is broadly applicable to a wide range of researchers in three programmatic areas: Cyberinfrastructure, Biological Collections, and Biological Field Stations and Marine Laboratories.
National Science Foundation (NSF)January target dateGeosciences See guidelines
Oceanographic facilities and equipment are supported by the Integrative Programs Section (IPS) of the Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE), Directorate for Geosciences (GEO). These awards are made for the procurement, conversion and/or upgrade, enhancement, or annual operation of platforms in the ocean, coastal and near-shore waters, and Great Lakes. 
USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)May $25,001-$500,000
*Limited Submission*  The USDA NIFA Equipment Grants Program serves to increase access to shared-use special purpose equipment/instruments for fundamental and applied research for use in the food and agricultural sciences programs at institutions of higher education, including State Cooperative Extension Systems.