This policy serves to help identify who can be the PI of record for an IACUC protocol as defined by Cornell's Policy 1.4 with additional guidance provided.
The intent of this policy is to describe the mandates and procedures for IACUC review of projects where teaching, testing or research with live vertebrate animals is conducted at
The intent of this policy is to provide guidance and procedures governing projects requiring the acquisition or generation of custom antibodies from live animals. Table of Contents
This policy describes the Post Approval Monitoring (PAM) program at Cornell University. The PAM program is designed to be a collaborative partnership between the IACUC and animal
The intent of this policy is to define the requirements and process for the conduct, reporting and follow up of the IACUC inspections of animal facilities. This policy is intended
This policy describes the required information that must be available to personnel in animal facilities. Table of Contents : 1. Policy 2. Procedure
The intent of this document is to describe the procedure for review, approval, and distribution of animal facility Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Animal Care and Use
The intent of this document is to describe the requirements for tracking animals that are used for research, teaching and testing, including transfers between protocols. Table of
This policy describes the primary clinical veterinary care requirements for Cornell-owned animals by non-CARE veterinarians. Table of Contents 1. Policy 2. Procedure 3. Regulatory
The intent of this policy is to describe the procedure for performing a refinement or modification on an approved protocol. Table of Contents Policy Examples Procedure Regulations