The intent of this policy is to describe the procedure for performing a refinement or modification o...
This policy describes the requirements and procedures for on and off campus transportation of animal...
The intent of this policy is to describe the approval process to export animals to institutions outs...
The intent of this policy is to establish policies and guidelines regarding the social housing of an...
A policy and procedure document providing guidance by the Cornell IRB for identifying and managing c...
The Cornell University IRB and Privacy Offices have developed this policy and procedure document on ...
Per the Notice of Changes to NIH Policy for Issuing Certificates of Confidentiality (NOT-OD-17-109),...
This is a policy and procedure document for determining whether or not IRB review and approval is ne...
This is a policy and procedure document outlining when Cornell IRB submission, review, and approval ...
The IRB requires investigators to conduct an effective informed consent process with each and every ...