Per diem rates are available for meals, lodging, mileage, etc. for travel both domestically and abro...
The OSP Subaward Team will work with you as the subaward is requested, drafted, negotiated, exe...
Proposing and managing a subaward is a shared responsibility.
As required by the subaward, subrecipients will send invoices to the unit administrator, typically e...
In preparing to issue a subaward, OSP gathers information about the subrecipient and creates a profi...
Subrecipients may have final reports due.
In most cases, the terms and conditions of a subaward will remain unchanged for the duration of the ...
Overview information about subawards including details of choosing a subrecipient and what should be...
Subawards are issued only after a fully executed award is received by OSP from the prime sponsor. Af...
This form is required to be completed and signed by the authorized institutional official of an orga...